Thought Spirals

Preparing the Nervous System: It starts with the eyes

Spinal motions involve very complex coordination between the visual system (eyes), the vestibular system (inner ear), the brain and the body. Many of us take for granted that we can lift our eyes, inhale, extend our spine and maintain our balance. Yes, we SHOULD be able to do this. Spinal extension is one of our primary developmental movements. But, if the visual or vestibular systems are compromised in any way, this basic movement may need to be regressed.

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Befriending Arch

I have never been very good at Arching, and from a young age had a stiff spine. I have a very vivid memory of being about six years old and playing with a friend. We were outside in the grass and she began doing backbends from standing. I made an attempt and was halted immediately by the stiffness of my spine. It surprised me but I simply accepted that I was tight and let it go.

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Your Tailbone is a Rudder

In this blog I wish to share with you my discovery of the coccyx as a place of movement initiation. Until recently, every time I heard a cue related to the tailbone, I mistakenly visualized my sacrum. Cues to "drop the tailbone,” "imagine your tailbone as a heavy dinosaur tail,” and "lift your tailbone" were misinterpreted in my mind.

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